We offer significant expertise in the areas of estate planning, probate and trust administration.
In estate planning, we offer counseling to a wide variety of clients aimed at developing an individualized program suited to the specific goals and circumstances of each client. These clients include owners of closely-held businesses and professional practices, executives, investors, developers, and retired individuals with substantial net worth. We counsel such clients in addressing a wide span of concerns including avoidance of probate, estate tax savings, inter-generational transfers of wealth and family-owned businesses, and planning for liquidity to support the surviving family members and pay debts of the estate, including any taxes due. We also assist clients with basic estate planning, such as the preparation of simple wills and powers of attorney for health decisions and powers of attorney for property.
Our practice in probate estate and trust administration provides a sensitive and practical approach to the needs of family members and beneficiaries, including the planning for distributions from qualified retirement plans to minimize taxes, preparation of estate tax returns, handling estate tax audits, estate income tax planning, trust administration, trust income tax planning, and preparation of fiduciary income tax returns.